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Rescheduled -Ladies Pistol League - Situational Awareness Seminar


One of the most effective ways to avoid becoming a victim is to spot an attack before it happens. Whether you’re being approached in a parking lot or walking through a crowd. 

This is part-one of a two-part series. All training for this 1st session will be held indoors and will allow students to develop, practice and improve their skills in a safe and controlled environment. You will be working with the inert OC spray as well as flashlights, and blue guns. **No live ammo or firearms allowed in the classroom during our training seminar. We do have a place to lock up your carry equipment before class but please arrive early as to not delay the start of class. We have a lot to cover.

Part two will be held in the Spring at the Training Range, when the weather is nicer. It will include the live range session and more decision-making drills. So keep an eye out for it!!

Location: OKC Gun Club Main Clubhouse
RSVP Required
Cost: $15 for non club members, $10 for members
Time: 1-4pm
Items needed: Clear eye protection
*If you have a blue gun that fits your IWB holster, bring it. If not, no worries, we will have plenty of blue guns. All blue gun work will be done from concealment…so please dress appropriately and wear comfortable tennis shoes. If you normally wear a cover garment with your carry gun, please be sure to wear it. We will be indoors, so no need for heavy jackets or anything like that. If you normally carry a flashlight with you, please bring it, if not, we will have some loaners available.

If possible, please come a few minutes early so we can get everyone checked in on time! We have a lot of ground to cover in this class and I don’t want anyone to miss out on the exercises I have planned.